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Man. I'm glad to finally release Jumpin' 101. A majority of it was made throughout my work days as a customer advocate at my previous job while working from home. I learned alot along the way, which is why like 40 percent of the original track listing was scrapped.

The first track Jumpin' 101 is basically a motto I live by. "Just Understand My Progress Is Nonstop" I published a book under that title as well. It's an interactive music catalog. Every page has album art and a quote from one of my songs along with a scannable qr code leading to the songs YouTube video.

The second track New Orleans speaks of my first year's as a child living in the St. Bernard Projects. Alot of fun and unknowingly dangerous times.

The third track Cali speaks of my family and I moving to beautiful Southern California from New Orleans. "Culture shock was an understatement."

The fourth track College produced by Cortez Glivings tells a true story of a near run in and undoubted arrest with the cops. Me and my close friend Fernando made it home safe tho.

The fifth track 4135 speaks of the dead end. 4135 W. Carol Drive. Where I was raised. My reputation precedes me and for the past 20 years, there hasn't been another name that ran that block other than me. So I made a song payin homage to it.

The sixth track Been around the world shows a side of me that is as carefree and retro as the beat. There was a time where I was bearded, and road through the hills of SoCal on a moped, with a Beanie and a leather coat on. Simple living.

The Last track better like dat is just me gettin my groove on. I've always been a leader whether leading myself or others into green country. Raised by the wolves but I don't need no pack. It's better like that. Own who you are. Own your destiny (God's will).

I been working on The Spiritual Warfare Series. Which will be a song for each piece of The Armor of God. Look forward to that. Promise I won't let you down. đŸ“€âœˆđŸ»âœˆ

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Sep 10, 2021

Loved reading the background of every song, proud of you bro!

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Thanks Sis!!!


Cortez Glivings
Cortez Glivings
Sep 08, 2021

This is a fantastic summary of the album bro!!! Love it!!!

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Thanks E SizzleđŸ»đŸ»đŸ».

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