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Game: 4

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

Every month I get a check on the 15th. I say this to who feels like listenin. sucks. They take hella long to distribute your music to stores, their website is garbage, and their customer service is the worst. BUT!! For some reason they are really good at pulling when and where someone uses your music on FACEBOOK AUDIO LIBRARY, AND POSTS. also INSTAGRAM AUDIO LIBRARY, and they pay you royalties everytime someone uses your music on those two platforms. I suggest releasing or re-releasing an album through routenote. The reason I say release an album is because for some reason, the album I released with routenote, has 2 songs that bring in money from FB and IG every month. They pay damn near a fraction of a penny, but in the long run you win because in regards to "mechanical royalties"...that's like 9.1cent per stream.

The picture below will show exactly what I mean. It says 20+million music streams, this includes the FB and IG usages of my songs.

It might be a shot in the dark, but you got nothin to lose and hella fb and ig claims to gain. Keep it Jumpin'. Peace.

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J.P. Tha Pompafillian
J.P. Tha Pompafillian

My man. Thanks for the knowledge.

Jumpin' Joe The Rapper
Jumpin' Joe The Rapper

Np famo👊🏾👊🏾

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